Ten Simple Steps to Prepare Your Home for Thanksgiving Posted on November 24, 2015 by socialmedia by Thanksgiving is finally here, and you have hosting duties this year! Besides cooking the turkey, the most important step to cross off your list is readying your home for all of your holiday guests. Let your stress float away as deep cleaning your house really isn’t necessary for the full enjoyment of the day! Instead keep these 10 tips in mind for prioritizing what should be done to ensure your guests feel relaxed and comfortable in your home. Clean the bathroom If you only have time to clean one room other than the kitchen, make sure it is the bathroom! Guests are not worried about dust on the mantle or a little fuzz on the carpet, but a dirty bathroom is unpleasant. Scrub and clean the toilet and sink, wipe down the mirror, make sure there is extra toilet paper available, empty the trash and put out fresh hand towels. For an extra cozy feel, light a candle before everyone arrives. Vacuum Quickly run the vacuum in places where your guests will most likely linger: kitchen, entryway, bathroom, dining room, living room and guest room if they are staying over. Wipe the kitchen countertops You have been working hard in the kitchen to prepare everything for the grand feast…and your kitchen shows it! Make sure to give it a little more attention before your guests arrive. A clean slate will speak volumes, even if that’s all you did! Sweep the kitchen floor The same goes for the floor, one last touch up for those pesky crumbs and messy splatters and your kitchen will look like it hasn’t been in use for the last eight hours! Empty the kitchen sink; load and start the dishwasher Feel free to load up the dishwasher and have it running while your guests arrive. This way all of the dishes will be off of your counter and out of your sink. Plus this will surely be round one of many cycles throughout the day! Straighten and dust Make sure to focus on where your guests will be. The main thing is to remove clutter or extra things and dust the major surfaces. Side tables, coffee table and by the TV is where you should target. Fluff the living room pillows Have you or your spouse taken a quick power nap in-between cooking the turkey and pies? A quick fluff and no one will know the difference! Adjust the lighting Setting the mood to warm and cozy is easy by switching off the overhead lights and turning on lamps. It also will detract from any areas you didn’t get to! Clear a place for coats and bags If you have a coat rack or hooks in your entryway make sure to empty them of personal belongings before your guests arrive. Otherwise feel free to make up a bed in your guest room where everyone can drop their things. Put on some music Last but not least set the mood with some music playing softly in the background. Voila! Your home is ready for the turkey-hungry guests and perfectly acceptably clean! #ShorewestRealtors #ShorewestFamily #Thanksgiving Tags: fall cleaning tips, shorewest, shorewest family, thanksgiving, tuesday tips Categories: Community, Home Improvement, How to, Neighborhoods, Upcoming Events Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ